ANSI / ISEA 105-2024

In November 2024, there was an update to the ANSI/ISEA 105 standard. This revision was prepared by members of the Hand Protection Group of the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) including Watson Gloves!

Here is what you need to know about the changes to the ANSI/ISEA 105 American National Standard for Hand Protection:


As per the published ANSI/ISEA 105-2024 standard, several new concepts have been introduced into this updated document. New product marking details are included as a way to standardize the representation of classification for key mechanical properties: cut-resistance, non-needlestick puncture resistance and abrasion resistance. The standard also includes specific language for demonstrating conformity to the claimed classifications for the performance properties covered, referencing ANSI/ISEA 125-2021, American National Standard for Conformity Assessment of Safety and Personal Protective Equipment. It is emphasized that product manufacturers may utilize any of the approaches defined in ANSI/ISEA 125-2021 to demonstrate conformity.

Updates to existing content include clarifications to abrasion testing, both in the pass/fail criteria for of leather gloves and sleeves and test execution. Conductive heat resistance classifications have been updated to include a range of temperatures when performing the testing and contain additional prescriptive criteria for determining such classification. Dexterity and anti-vibration properties have been deleted as being specifically covered by the standard but are referenced in the appendix discussion on other factors for consideration.

Referenced test methods have been updated throughout the standard to reflect the state of the art in materials performance and technology and to harmonize with other existing standards, where possible.


ANSI/ ISEA Cut, Abrasion and Puncture will now be represented in one new pictogram. Gloves that meet ANSI/ISEA Conductive Heat will be displayed as a standalone pictogram as it is currently. Below graphic shows the new marking that will be displayed on all marketing material and gloves starting immediately.


ANSI/ISEA 105-2024 establishes performance levels, testing and classification for gloves designed to provide abrasion, cut and puncture resistance:

Cut Resistant Levels: A1-A9

Puncture Resistant Levels: 0-5

Abrasion Resistant Levels: 0-6

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